Soft Skills & Behavioral Training Programs Back to Programs
One needs to be impressive while displaying and presenting his/ her thoughts, ideas and opinions. There are various factors at play while doing this – confidence, respect, acceptance of other’s views, etc. These facets impact our behavior and interaction style, and in turn creates an impression about us in the society. Soft Skills & Behavioral training hence becomes imperative for us to enhance our image in the world, and help us achieve what we aspire for.
Presentation Skills

Duration: 16 hrs
In this activity driven workshop, we cover all the aspects of presentation skills. From creation to delivery of a presentation; all aspects are covered step by step. This workshop is a must for those who deliver presentations to clients or stakeholders, who create presentations and for trainers. The participants understand their current presentation style, and then proceed towards learning the art of making an effective presentation. They are apprised of the importance of colors, fonts, diagrams, animations and other themes. The participants practice and learn how to commence a presentation and how to conclude a presentation. The impact of tone, voice and appropriate pauses during a presentation are discussed. The participants learn how to overcome stage fright and the intricacies of body language during a presentation. They also learn effective question handling techniques, and handling/ managing various audiences.
Time Management

Duration: 8 hrs
One of the biggest mysteries surrounding us is the aspect of time. We cannot see it or feel it, yet are driven by it, and find ourselves running short of it. This workshop discusses the importance of time management and task management. The participants discuss various time wasting activities they indulge in, and how they can avoid them. The workshop addresses the ‘Urgency Matrix’, where various tasks are discussed according to their importance and urgency. The participants learn how to prioritize their tasks basis the urgency matrix.
Change Management

Duration: 8 hrs
Change is the only constant in this entire world and universe. One needs to understand change, the need for change and identify ways to react towards it in a constructive and a positive manner. There are times when change is not welcome, however, we need to accept it. During this workshop, the participants come to know how to deal with change; accept it as an essential aspect, and not fear or resist it. One will understand how to adapt to change, and successfully implement it in life.
Goal Setting

Duration: 6 hrs
This activity driven workshop begins with participants introspecting and identifying their true needs and desires. It then progresses towards understanding the importance of goals and various types of goals – short term/ long term and professional/ personal goals. The concept of SMART goals is discussed, and the participants throughout the workshop set their individual goals as per defined timelines. This is a very effective workshop to make a change in one’s life.
Being Assertive

Duration: 8 hrs
There are many ways to project oneself and interact with people. One can be passive, or aggressive in behavior; however, the best way is to adopt a middle path – being assertive. The workshop aims to have the participants understand the meaning of assertiveness and how to practice it in daily life. The program compares the traits, advantages and disadvantages of passive and aggressive behavior, and enables the audience understand the best way to interact. The participants learn the art of saying ‘No’ in an effective and assertive manner, and various techniques to practice assertive behavior. The program towards the end allows the participants to practice assertiveness and apply it in their day to day situations, in order to be effective.
Professional Impact

Duration: 8 hrs
One needs to be a professional at workplace, in order to be successful, and the business to grow. This workshop focuses on the aspect of professionalism. The participants learn about the traits of professionalism and the impact of showcasing a professional image. Through practice, they are apprised about the workplace etiquette and the dos and don’ts of workplace behavior.
Public Speaking

Duration: 16 hrs
This workshop is for those who engage in public speaking during their course of work. This program is a must for supervisors to senior management professionals, as they address their audience as part of their job. During this activity driven workshop, the participants will understand their public speaking style. This will lay a ground work for the participants to build on their public speaking skills. They will practice and learn how to overcome stage fright and understand the expectations of their audience. The workshop will cover the essential aspects of body language, and the participants will practice how to break the ice and build audience connect. They will learn how to keep the audience engaged, the importance of humor, voice, tone and appropriate pauses. The workshop will enable the participants to learn how to create an impact on their audience and conclude effectively.
Campus to Corporate

Duration: 8 hrs
This program is for new hires, who have been recruited from campuses, or those new to the work culture. An office from a classroom in a college is quite a change for a person. This program aims to ensure the participants adapt themselves to the work culture, and smoothen their transition into this new phase of life. Change management, and adaptability is discussed with the participants. They are apprised of the business etiquette and the dos and don’ts of workplace behavior.
Train The Trainer

Duration: 16hrs to 24 hrs
Organizations have identified resources for training their staff – new or existing for a variety of purposes. However, these resources need to be well equipped with the art of imparting training and capability development. This program is a must for those who wish to become, or are already in the role of a trainer. The participants learn various aspects of training. The difference between training and teaching is discussed. They get a thorough understanding of the training cycle and the intricacies of its elements. One learns the importance of body language and practices various forms of handling audience. The elements of ice breaker, humor and activities in a training session are practiced. The participants also learn module and power point creation techniques. The art of coaching and feedback is also practiced and discussed. The duration of this workshop varies depending on client requirement.
Motivational Workshops

Duration: 4 hrs to 8 hrs
A person at times gets caught up in the daily dealings of life, and finds no respite. Some can feel de-motivated for a variety of reasons, and some can also find no meaning in life. A person might be going through a bad phase in life, or at work or at home. MPACT’s motivational workshops are aimed to ignite positivity and optimism in individuals. These workshops can be customized as per the client’s requirements, and hence the duration also varies. The participants after attending the workshops find a new ray of hope/ light in life, and feel stronger and enthusiastic in dealing with the challenges with life. They find themselves at peace with oneself, and are better poised to realize their true potential to make their dreams closer to reality.